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Detail Info About Fire Signages

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Fire Safety Signs

Fire Safety Signs Should be always clear, bold and easily readable to anyone. The purpose of Fire Safety Signs is people to understand what measure to take or to be aware in case of a Fire Emergency.


There are various types of signages that can be used in case of an emergency. Such as;

  1. Fire Signs for Fire Safety Equipments
  2. Fire Signs for Fire Exits
  3. Fire Signs for Emergency exits
  4. Fire Signs for Class A, B, C Fires.
  5. Signages for old and specially abled people.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mari Ann

    Mauris hendrerit quis nunc id tempus. Suspendisse vehicula et neque eget rutrum. Sed iaculis quam nec augue iaculis ultricies

    1. Mari Ann

      Donec fringilla ligula non sem porta, et consectetur dolor auctor.

  2. Mari Ann

    This Saturday, we have organized an annual function to give honors to our best work force in field. Stand out performers of fire department.

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